New Voices
Thank you to colleagues and partners in Barcelona (Escola Vedruna, secondary shool) and at Safe Passage in London for hosting conversations on movement and collecting these quotes from children and young people.
“Movement is one way of moving on foot or in a wheelchair. But it isn’t only that. It can also be protests that try to change something in the world.”
—Sofia, 13
“Life is all about movement and progress whether it’s physical or mental. Without movement what’s the difference between you and someone who is dead?”
—Sayeed, 21
“The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word ‘movement’ is the action of moving, from one place to another, of not staying still in a single place. I think about the strength needed to make something move, for example when you walk, when you drink water. At every moment we move or move something.”
—Ayman, 13
“Movement is time and action. We move all the time and many times we don’t realise the consequences or if they can affect someone.”
—Iris, 13
“Movement can have many different meanings. It can be a group of people protesting, making change. Like the gay rights movement or the Black Lives Matter movement. It can also be about growth, about change.”
—Muste, 18
“Movement is freedom, so you can decide what to do and what activities you want.”
—Samuel, 13
“Movement means making an important change on a specific issue, or several, in order to achieve a final goal. If you don’t make a move, you won’t be able to achieve your goal.”
—Rona, 13
“Movement is to improve, because in order to improve we have to move to be able to make a change for the better.”
—Eduard, 13
“Movement is something we do both physically and morally and it
requires effort.”
—Gabriel, 13